Pigeons can be quite an irritating lot to deal with. As a matter of fact, tons of people will agree that pigeons are usually very unwelcome in their home. After all, why would they be welcome when these birds can cause so much trouble? If you’re here, then you are probably dealing with some pigeons yourself. Don’t fret, because we’ve got your back. Here, we have put together a list of the best pigeon repellent gels available this 2023.
![]() | Bird Barrier Optical Gel | ![]() | Check Price |
![]() | Bird X Bird Proof Repellent Gel | ![]() | Check Price |
![]() | The Birds Bird Repellent Gel by JT Eaton | ![]() | Check Price |
First of all, before we even begin talking about the best pigeon repellent gels, let’s find out why pigeons are sometimes considered as pests.
Why Are Pigeons Pests?
Another name for a pigeon is “rock dove”, but you won’t often hear people referring to these feathered creatures as such. Pigeons are monogamous birds and will have only one mate for the rest of their lives. Even though this sounds romantic, it doesn’t quite change the fact that these birds will bring you more trouble than anything else. Let’s have a quick chat about why pigeons shouldn’t be allowed on your property.
They Carry Diseases
Unlike some other pests that can get on your property, such as ants, bed bugs, or even termites, pigeons can actually bring you diseases. These feathered fiends are dirty creatures, able to carry with them bacterial and fungal diseases. Pigeons can bring diseases such as histoplasmosis, candidiasis, cryptococcosis, St. Louis encephalitis, salmonellosis, and E. coli, all of which can cause a person’s health to become critical. These diseases will usually affect infants, young children, and elderly people the worst. In some cases, they can even cause death. Therefore, it’s ideal to simply keep these birds away – that way, the chances of these diseases will be minimized and even eliminated.
They Can Cause Physical Danger
As if diseases weren’t enough of a physical danger, these birds can also actually cause you to slip and fall if you accidentally step on their wet droppings. This is another reason why you should keep pigeons off your property, especially if you have children and elderly people living with you. The last thing that you would want is for your grandma to slip on the patio and end up with a broken hip.
They Can Damage Your Property
Another thing that you will have to worry about if pigeons are on your property often is property damage. Aside from all the diseases that could be contained within, pigeons’ droppings are also highly acidic. As a result, pigeon droppings can cause stains in furniture, paint, and basically almost any other surface. If you want to preserve your car, your outside furniture, and even your house’s paint job – keep the birds away.
It’s worth noting that if many pigeons make a home on your roof or similar, it can cause a huge problem too. Many roofers will tell you that in a lot of cases, when they come out to broken roof repair calls, they find a lot of pigeons there. Consequently, it is these pigeons’ collected droppings that have caused the roof to prematurely age and fall apart. To be quite honest, many people have this reason in mind when they are looking for the best pigeon repellent gels that they can find.
They Can Invite Other Pests
Among all of these reasons to disinvite pigeons from your home, an even more important reason is the fact that they can attract other pests too. In fact, there may even be some pests probably living on the birds themselves. Pigeons can bring things such as fungus, ticks, mites, and fleas. And of course, if you aren’t vigilant in cleaning up the pigeons’ droppings, you may even find some rather scarier creatures coming in – such as cockroaches and rats (because these pests are attracted to droppings).
They Can Cause Allergies or Asthma Attacks
If anyone in your home has a particularly sensitive respiratory system, it can become aggravated by the pigeons. Pigeons carry dust and dander, and even their feathers can be allergens. For those who are asthmatic, having pigeons around can be a problem. It’s best to keep them away due to this reason.
They Can Ruin Your Aesthetic
We almost didn’t want to mention this for the reason that it’s not really as important as the above. However, we do feel that it’s still worth mentioning, especially if you’re particularly picky about how your property looks. Some people who have paid for interior design or landscaping can become irritated when their beautifully designed balconies and gardens are marred by tons of pigeon droppings. Thankfully, we are here to now provide you with three different options for products you can use to keep these birds at bay.
2023’s Best Pigeon Repellent Gels
Now that we’ve talked all about the different reasons why you simply do not want pigeons on your property, it’s time for us to talk about the best pigeon repellent gels. It’s most noteworthy that we recommend above all for you to treat these birds humanely. Despite the fact that they crowd the cities as pests, it is still important to treat them with kindness and exhaust the other methods of keeping them away before taking any other more serious action. Furthermore, we want to suggest that if you find these below methods ineffective for your particular case, it’s best to call an exterminator instead of taking matters into your own hands.
We just wanted to get that all out of the way so that now, without further ado, we can talk about the best pigeon repellent gels you can buy online. Let’s begin, shall we?
Bird Barrier Optical Gel

Product Description: Although this product is more expensive than the other ones on this list, we still truly recommend it as a better option over the other two gels. It’s truly humane, convenient, and one hundred percent safe to all birds and creatures – no birds will get stuck or harmed. Furthermore, you can use this on any surface, and it’s much easier to install and remove. No sticky gels to deal with!
Offer price: $$
Environmentally Friendly & Animal Friendly
One good way that people often suggest for keeping pigeons and other pesky birds away is by simply scaring them away. That is why you will often read peoples’ suggestions about using shiny, reflective items as well as animal decoys to keep pigeons at bay. Bird Barrier Optical Gel operates in a rather similar manner, for the reason that it is basically used to scare pigeons from your property. Birds use their senses of touch, smell, and sight to sense danger. The makers of this product took this into account and made sure that Bird Barrier Optical Gel affects all three senses.
Bird Barrier Optical Gel is made by Bird Barrier America. It comes in a box of 24 pieces, giving you many uses out of one purchase. Now, we say 24 pieces because this product actually comes pre-packaged in small dishes. These dishes are ready to be used the moment you take them out of the box – all you need to do is to secure the dish to the surface you are trying to repel birds from. This is done with a little dab of some silicone, which is used because it can really secure the dish to the surface. Hence, it’s more weatherproof. Furthermore, the form that Bird Barrier Optical Gel comes in is quite small. Due to this, it’s much more discreet to use.
What Makes This Different?
Many people prefer this product to others available on the market because it’s convenient and easy to use. On top of that, it’s effective, easily installed, practically weatherproof, and environmentally safe. It can be hung upside down, sideways, under the sun, in the shade – it won’t affect how effective the product is. It also lasts very long – the manufacturer claims that it will keep birds away for 1-2 years. Some reviews on the product agree.
Likewise, a lot of feedback about this product say that it helps to deter not only pigeons, but other birds such as woodpeckers too. So, if you have a general bird problem, this might be a good solution for you.
- Environmentally friendly
- Very versatile, can be used practically anywhere
- Convenient and easy to use
- Effective
- Discreet
- Long lasting
- Works for other birds as well
- Somewhat pricey
- Can become an eyesore if you attach many to one area
- A small percentage of customers say this was not effective for them
Bird X Bird Proof Repellent Gel
Another on the list of best pigeon repellent gels in 2019 is Bird X Bird Proof Repellent Gel. Unlike the product above, this gel is actually in gel form, coming in a squeeze bottle much like a bottle of silicone gel. Using this product is certainly discreet, due to the fact that the manufacturers have ensured the gel is invisible when applied. Bird X works best when applied on surfaces such as gutters, windowsills, beams, ledges, signs, balcony railings, fences and the like. It works by creating a sticky layer that is unpleasant to birds but does not harm them in the slightest. Because of this, Bird X is sometimes referred to as ‘liquid spikes’.
All we know is, this gel will repel pigeons for sure. Furthermore, it will also repel other birds such as house sparrows, gulls, seagulls, starlings, and many more. With this gel, the birds are uncomfortable with roosting on any open surface that they usually would hang out on. As a result, birds will look for other places to stay. To use this product, simply apply with your standard caulking device/gun. This non-toxic gel can be applied in wavy or straight lines to cover the surface you desire. When applied, the gel will last a year or maybe longer, depending on how the weather is. Do note that if it is hot, you will need to reapply it more often.
What Makes This Different?
This Bird Proof Repellent Gel is made by Bird X, which has been based in Chicago for over fifty years. Bird X proudly states that their products are humane and individually tested by experts to ensure effectiveness. Bird X also claims that they continue to improve their products each time new technologies and research come out.
We do want to mention that this product can be used indoors, outdoors, and on just about any surface where pigeons will roost.
Most noteworthy, however, is the fact that this product will cause smaller birds like finches to get stuck on it. Sometimes, this can be fatal to them. Therefore, if you want to be completely humane, perhaps a different product would be better.
Pros and Cons
Here is the low-down on this Bird Proof Repellent Gel by Bird X.
✔️Discreet, invisible upon application
✔️Non-toxic and humane to pigeons and larger birds
✔️Easy to apply and reapply
✔️Non damaging to surfaces
✔️Comes in different package/bundle options
❌Sticky, tacky nature won’t let it be used on furniture or certain surfaces
❌Requires a caulk gun to use
❌Will deter big pest birds, but will entrap smaller birds like finches and possibly kill them
❌Bugs like beetles and butterflies can get caught and die
❌Can be difficult to remove
The Birds Bird Repellent Gel by JT Eaton
Like the product mentioned above, The Birds Bird Repellent Gel by JT Eaton works similarly. It comes in a standard tube/bottle that goes into a caulking gun as well. When applied, it is also completely discreet and invisible. The gel essentially also creates a sticky, tacky layer to help deter pigeons, gulls and seagulls, starlings, as well as other larger birds that may be considered pests.
It’s actually so similar to the above product that we don’t really feel that we need to write much more about it. It certainly is effective, which is why it’s on our list of best pigeon repellents in 2023.
What Makes This Different?
This gel comes with a 1 year warranty (limited) to protect you against any manufacturing defects as well as defects in the material and the workmanship. JT Eaton advertises this product as a humane way to prevent larger feathered birds like pigeons from roosting or nesting on your property. However, much like the Bird X product, it can also very much entrap smaller birds and in some cases, cause them to die. Please do be wary of this when you purchase this product.
Pros and Cons
Here’s a quick “what you need to know” about The Birds Bird Repellent Gel by JT Eaton. It’s truly quite similar to Bird X.
✔️Discreet and invisible upon application
✔️Non damaging to surfaces
✔️Easy to apply and reapply
✔️Comes in different package/bundle options
✔️Non-toxic and humane to pigeons and larger birds
❌Sticky, tacky nature won’t let it be used on furniture or certain surfaces
❌Requires a caulk gun to use
❌Will deter big pest birds, but will entrap smaller birds like finches and possibly kill them
❌Bugs like beetles and butterflies can get caught and die
❌Can be difficult to remove – almost impossible
Our Conclusion
We do hope that this long review of the best pigeon repellent gels we’ve found will help you to keep the pesky little birds off of your property. After all, they can be really annoying to deal with and cause plenty of issues not just to your health, but to your possessions as well. Please remember that no matter how unwelcome these creatures are, it’s still a good idea to treat them humanely! Good luck deciding on the best pigeon repellent!